Rogue Trooper issue 3 from IDW – spoiler light including 7 page preview

RogueTrooper03_cvrSUBRogueTrooper03_cvrRogue Trooper
Issue 3

Published by IDW
2nd April 2014

Writer: Brian Ruckley
Artist: Alberto Ponticelli
Colour: Stephen Downer
Letters: Tom B Long

Left – Glenn Fabry
Right – James Stokoe

Issue Two saw Rogue reach Strongpoint Charlie delivering Breaker/Virgin safely to his unit. It was hear that the GI and his Bio-Chip buddies discovered Rogue’s nickname. All Issue 1 the Bio-Chips didn’t mention a name and their ally ‘Angel’ called him ‘Blue’.

Norts were closing in on Strongpoint Charlie and Souther Command had sent a group of MPs to capture Rogue.

As the action kicks in again we get to see more of the vehicles and weapons the Norts have. We also get to see Bagman ambulating. There is also conflict among the Souther Officers that are trying to recover Rogue, they have differfent ideas of what results they want.

Again I’m happy with the plot in every aspect. The character of Rogue is acceptable. The Bio-Chips, the Southers. It is all acceptable and the plot is interesting.

Getting more details of what is on this version of Nu-Earth is good. A big mistake can be to pile in too much information in one go. I think this is part of the problem with the IDW Dredd. Too much too quick with the Angel Gang, Cal and the Dark Judges all reinvented in the first 18 months.

The art is engaging and interesting. I think it has actually improved over the three issues. That could be me settling in with the Artist’s style.

So over all this is a good comic in my opinion and I have it preordered at my LCS as an ongoing purchase. So I’m still hoping a date will still be confirmed for Issue 5.

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