The 77 Issue 1 updated re-release – spoiler light review


Published by 77 Publications 

32 pages £5.99

This is an updated Verdon of The 77 issue 1.

Originally issue 1 was funded via Kickstarter in May 2020. The strips in the Kickstarter were by a mix of Professionals and Small Press creators.

It was a very exciting new attempt at a traditional style Anthology.

In my Preview of that version I say:

The Beano and 2000AD are more or less all that is left. Children’s comics these days are almost all seem to be TV or Toy tie-ins. I say ‘seem to be’ because in truth there are a number of wonderful comics aimed at children that can be found in Comic Stores.

I menon that there are plenty of kids Comics that aren’t the Toy or TV tie-ins seen in Supermarkets. I failed to point out the many Small Press Anthologies, which I know exist because I’ve Previwed and Reviewed several and was published in one.

I’m constantly reading online that “comics like we read in the 70s and 80s no longer exist.

The 77 is exactly that though. It is the kind of Comic read in the 70s and 80s. Yet it is also new and up-to-date without worrying about being PC and yet also not being overtly offensive.

This is a great Comic on the main aimed at older teens to adults probably. Especially those who miss the old days.

I mean, what’s not like a Comic from 1970s when this has Ian Gibson’s name on the cover?

Full Contents list follows.

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